Throughout the years we have found that even a modest gold holding helps reduce risk without sacrificing returns for portfolios. Therefore, our focus has always centered on the value that gold delivers to every investor. Gold has a well-recognized role in portfolio performance but since we live in the shadow of the 2008-2009 financial crisis, with its harsh lessons, we have created the means whereby investors can hold gold in a highly-liquid and risk-free account structure. In this way, gold manages risk in every portfolio.

Clear Title Accounts provide a cost-effective, secure and easy way to capitalize on the risk management benefits of gold by ensuring that our administration of your assets doesn’t introduce risk into your portfolio. How do we accomplish this for you? Here are some of the key ways…

  • No Market Making
  • Strategic Gold works on an agency basis and as such does not take any proprietary risk on transactions. Strategic Gold is not a market-maker or broker-dealer. Pursuant to its Organizational Charter, Strategic Gold does not engage in speculative trading or market making activities.

  • No Leverage
  • Strategic Gold Corporation does not engage in any derivative, hedging, or leveraging activities.

  • No Unallocated Assets
  • We do not deal in unallocated or pooled accounts; each whole bar is fully allocated to one client (not shared interest in bars). You own specific bullion bars outright. They are your legal property and your Clear Title property rights are defended by bailment law.

  • No Default Risk
  • Neither Strategic Gold nor the custodial vaults keep any client assets on their own balance sheets and therefore cannot use the client assets for other purposes. Even in the unlikely event that Strategic or one of our vault custodians was to become insolvent, no one other than the registered bar owner could lay claim to the bullion.

  • No Counter-Party Claims
  • Clear Title Ownership is held directly in the client’s name. No third party including the Administrator and the vault custodians or either of their creditors can have any claims against the client’s bullion holdings.

  • No Liquidity Risk
  • All gold and silver purchased by our clients is investment grade Good Delivery bullion held within the Chain of Integrity. Therefore this bullion is one of the most liquid assets available and can be quickly sold back into the global Primary Market.

  • Geographic & Geopolitical Diversification
  • By utilizing our global custody options and our efficient cross-border settlement capabilities, clients can store their assets in multiple locations both inside and outside their home country in order to safeguard their assets from geopolitical instability.

  • Assets and Accounts are Audited
  • Strategic Gold has engaged two different independent auditing firms to oversee the implementation of our extensive internal and external controls in order to provide you with the assurance that both your cash assets and your bullion assets are always secure.

  • Bullion Assets are Fully Insured
  • Our custodial safeguards includes full insurance coverage for each and every bullion bar administered by Strategic Gold.

  • Limited Regulatory Risk
  • Direct ownership of physical gold bullion through the Clear Title Program is not ownership of a security. Therefore, it is not subject to changes in regulatory oversight by the SEC or CFTC.